Free Pattern Designs and Videos
e-patterns include pattern, instructions, and photos Video's are one hour Sketch and Paint
Check out the Blog/YouTube page too!
Retired JoSonja Color Paint Mixes
Seminar Travel Needs Check List

This colorful pumpkin stack will add some cheer to your fall decor!

Sketch and Paint Video, a folksy one hour lesson recorded while we were in an AirBnB Lol

Nine pages and instructions in a zip file so you can practice making beautiful strokes!

Folk Melon was a quick design printed on the last page of the Decorative Painter.

A beginner design, with sponged background and stroke practice. No step sheet.

DIY Paint Shaker from an electric knife! It really works, we use it in class frequently.

Proud and patriotic eagle portrait

Friendly and simple design can be used for Memory Box

A nice monochromatic scene, shown here on hand mirror

Magic Sculpt brings dimension to these cuties. Buttons can be added for features.

These little bears are adaptable for many shapes, and can be personalized on scarf, ribbon, or heart. Fun and easy.

Create these covers from heavy cardboard or mat board and decorate. Nice to carry in a purse.

A fast and simple decoration

This half round bucket was already rusty and ready for a message, but chalk paint would work as well.

Sweet and cheerful painting project with sponge help.

Nautilus and Scallop shells on 6 x 8" canvas or surface of your choice. Water color style and interesting background.

Early morning barnyard, this is a small design that was painted on a tin rooster.

This a "Sketch and Paint" one hour video